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Monday, January 31, 2011

The Chicken Gets a Preening

The trails are holding up fabulously. To those of you who missed this past weekend due to previous engagements or due to just thinking the trail is trashed, would have been pleasantly surprised as to the great conditions the trail is currently in right now. Andy and John both did a very professional leveling of Little Bauer, the road to Hamlin Reservoir, Hamlin Loop, Rush Creek, and the Rush Creek Spur. Hank and his trusty shovel went up to the west side of Upper Bauer on Sunday afternoon and covered the very large bare spot that was inhibiting traffic down that hill side. He also spruced up the bridge on Lower Bauer so we don't have to ski on the wood anymore. Thank you for all of the volunteer effort.
We also ask that our skier patrons maintain proper etiquette in trail usage while we endure through this dry spell. We ask that if the trail is too soft and you are post holing that you may decide to not mess up what little trail is left. It takes a whole bunch of effort and resources to level what damage gets done to the trail. We need to maintain the trail for every one's safety.
Also, a gentle reminder that the Forest Service has implemented a ban on ski jouring with dogs, and dog sledding. Please help us ensure this is not violated for every one's safety.
Hopefully, this storm will grace us with some snow to freshen up the area. Think snow everyone.
Respectfully submitted by Chicken Creek Bloggers

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