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Thursday, January 17, 2019

Buttered Chicken. Yum.

Thursday Update:
All trails were groomed for skate skiing last evening (Wednesday) after the storm moved out. The resulting skiing has been quite nice (though the track is a mite choppy in places). The trees were all loaded with snow and the snow was buttery soft; a tad too soft for fast skating uphill. BUT:
Overall a delightful skiing experience. Our new grooming equipment was most helpful in accomplishing as much as we did last night. Peter B and David B (no known relation) were at it for over 5 hours yesterday.
Tonight’s forecast calls for as much as 7 inches in Mancos. The current plan is to groom it out Friday evening and into the night. This should lead to nice ski conditions for the upcoming holiday weekend.

Volunteer hours since last update total 18.5 hours, including grooming, equipment repair and maintenance, admin, social media updates, etc.

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