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Sunday, January 4, 2015

Still Better Than it Could Be / Snowbike Position Elucidated

Yes, the bones are beginning to show through already.  But, the skiing at Chicken Creek is still really pretty darn tasty.  The days have stayed reasonably cool, with nights in the single digits.  With predicted highs in the upper thirties to mid forties over the next several days  the Chicken could get a bit stale.

There was an outpouring of generosity at the donation box today, and we saw lots of new faces up there, as well as plenty of the familiar.  Thanks for your donations and please keep them coming.  In case you forgot to pick up an envelope at the trail head, the address to send checks to is:

Chicken Creek Cross Country
PO Box 111
Mancos, CO 81328

We had a machine go down again on Friday evening.  We don't know what the cost of repairs may be, but it's never cheap.

Please remember that dogs are not allowed on any terrain above the gate on the Rush Connector.  Signage is minimal at present but we'll get them re-posted.
Also, please do not walk down the middle of the groomed track in boots.  The very edge of the track, either side, is kinder to the track.

As to the issue of Snowbikes on the track our official position is as follows:  We actively encourage people to ride snowbikes on other groomed terrain, such as the Transfer Campground road.  If the track is very firm and no damage is done no one will complain too loudly.  However, soft trails have already suffered some moderate damage this year as a result of bike travel.  Please respect the work of the groomer volunteers and the skiers who have been supporting this area for decades.  Don't mess with the Chicken and no one has a hissy-fit.  Yes, it looks like fun.  No, it is not strictly prohibited.  Yet.  Please exercise due caution and personal responsibility.  And bikers, feel free to make a generous contribution at the donation box as well.

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