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Friday, February 7, 2014

Looking good for the weekend!

Thanks to groomers John and Dave we have good conditions on a substantial amount of terrain.  Thank you gentlemen for your efforts.

Here's what's groomed:
Little Bauer; upper and lower
Rush Connector
Rush Creek Trail
Hamlin Loop
Forest Service road from Rush Connector to bottom of Hamlin

I made the ultimate sacrifice and skied it all.  It felt really good to move, I must say.
There is about an inch-and-a-half of snow on top of what got groomed, at least as of this afternoon anyway.  More snow tonight would change that and make it tougher for skaters.  Classic stride skiers will love the fact that coverage is quite good; no ground showing.  Another 6 inches of snow would hide the tops of all those little oaks which will occasionally sink their teeth into a ski.

Everything was skate-able as of this afternoon.  Less experienced skaters - like me - will find some of the trails a bit narrow in spots.  Overall though it's really good.  We'll take what we can get at this point.  No real snow for two months tends to lower one's expectations.  Luckily what we can get at this point is quite good.  Better jump on it while it lasts.  Seriously.

Please bookmark the blog and check back daily during storm cycles.  I will endeavor to keep you posted on conditions and grooming activities.

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