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Friday, December 21, 2012

Turkey McNuggets

Saw a few wild turkeys up on the Hamlin Loop yesterday; looking for some scratch and trying to stay warm. No chickens, though...

Condition Report:
The snow is super lovely all over the joint up there.  Fresh and cold, cold, cold.  For skating yesterday I wanted the coldest wax available (too bad I didn't have it on!)

What's Groomed:
Both Upper and Lower Little Bauer got some attention yesterday and are in superb shape.  Hamlin also got it yesterday and is a dream come true.  Even the road to the top and Rush are all newly dialed in.  This is amazing considering how quickly all the snow fell, and that we had a glitch with our major grooming machine already.  The Bearcat apparently really wanted to climb a pine but was not up to the task.  Inconvenient, but no one got hurt.

AS GOOD AS IT GETS; so go get some...

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