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Sunday, December 30, 2018

Pretty Bird, Pretty Bird!

Fabulous. Spiritual. Ecstatic. The skiing experience at Chicken Creek yesterday (Saturday) is best summed up in those words. Despite very heavy usage, the day was a perfect one: crisp, cold, sunny and just generally amazing. Almost every person I spoke with (the ones I didn't know, anyway) traveled from Durango to ski here. Finally, we got the snow.

The lower loops are pretty tracked out but still good for skating, as the track is very firm thanks to the cold temps. Today should offer similar smile potential.

But first, a little scolding. Please, please, please do not bring your dogs on the upper loops. This means you. And to the person who tromped around the entire Rush Creek loop in size 15 boots: Really? Seriously? I suppose you are probably not reading this, just like you didn't read the signs forbidding walking on the groomed track. (heavy sigh) A little respect for the groomers work please, people.

John P and Peter B put in 8 hours of volunteer labor to make the skiing better, and that includes machine packing the Chicken Creek Road up to the turnaround, as well as packing down Hamlin Loop. Those two would be suitable for classic skiing now, skating will have to hold off for a little bit, until we get some more snow. We were hitting rocks on Hamlin, and the road was seriously rutted out by a late season driver before the gates were shut.

Best case scenario going forward offer the hope of about 3 more inches of snow followed by gradually warming temperatures toward the end of the week. Do your snow dances people!!

1 comment:

Paul - A Dog Owner said...

my dog has a good understanding with me only because of this dog clicker app which I use to give him signals and commands